Welcome to MATSUNOYA MANDAUE -ようこそ松之家へ-
When you enter into a road from AS Fortuna Street, there is a warm light and good atmosphere of a traditional Japanese izakaya style restaurant. You will feel nostalgia from the retro space. In the restaurant, you are always welcome warmly by our staff with perfect smile and hospitality like when you are in Japan. Please relax as if you are in your home. We are confident that you are satisfied to our selected foods and drinks.
 ASフォーチュナ通りから1本路地裏に入ると暖かな明かりがもれる昔ながらの居酒屋。 そこはどこか懐かしい雰囲気漂うレトロな空間。 まるで日本にいるかのような安心感溢れる店内では味にこだわりを持った自慢の板前と笑顔が自慢のスタッフがお客様を暖かくお出迎え。ごゆっくりおくつろぎ下さい。 自慢の料理と選び抜かれた地酒でお客様からも自然と笑顔がこぼれることでしょう。

The careful selection material -厳選素材-
